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Welcome to "Our Adoption Journey" page. As most of you know, we are in the process of trying to adopt. Thanks for the many prayers and support to make our "hearts desire" come true!

Friday, December 16, 2011

For those who haven't heard yet, the test was negative.  We don't have a plan for what is next like we have in the past but that's ok.  We have one more chance with the embryos, but need the money, or we can finish getting certified through the state so that we can foster to adopt.  Maybe we are meant to help a precious child that might otherwise get caught up in the system.  Only prayer and time will tell.  I am doing fine with the news.  I have my 3 precious babies who love their mama and a wonderful husband.  I have two choices for living my life, which are being upset and angry or happy.  I choose happy!  I'm not going to poor me because that will get me nowhere.  At times I feel like people walk on egg shells around us because of our situation but please don't.  We are both ok with where we have been and where we are headed.  It hurts more when someone hides they are pregnant than telling us and we find out from other sources.  People get pregnant every day.  It's normal life.  This is something I've wanted to get out for a while and I hope and pray that it isn't coming off the wrong way. 

Thanks for all of the prayers!

Tara & Chris

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Determining Blood Work in the Morning

I go for blood work tomorrow to determine if I am pregnant.  Please say a little prayer for us.

Tara & Chris

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 embryo's were thawed and 2 made it!  Now bed rest and wait until next Friday.

1 of the 2 embroy's

After the transfer.  The x is the embryo's

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We have a time!

I found out this morning that we have to be in Metairie tomorrow morning at 6:30 am and the procedure is at 7:30 am.  I will update as soon as I can on how many embryo's were transferred.  That is the only info I will have until I do blood work next Friday, December 16, to determine if the embryo(s) took.  Watch for that post and please continue to keep us in prayer!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Transfer is a GO!

Everything was good today so we got the go ahead for the transfer, which is scheduled for next Wednesday, December 7th!  I will not know a time until Tuesday.  Little by little we are getting to our hearts desire.  I will keep everyone posted.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm starting to feel the effects of the shots and hormones.  I was warned ahead of time but I don't think I really realized the extent and depth of it all.  The patches feel like you are ripping your skin off when changing them and oh my how the estrogen shot hurts, after the fact.  I'm very sore today.  I am so thankful the estrogen is only 2 times a week.  Please keep us in your prayers!  We have almost 2 weeks until the transfer and reality is starting to set in.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Praise the LORD

As of Thursday November 10th, the cyst is gone!  I wasn't sure wether to scream or cry I was so excited.  One more little step down!  I started one of the shots on the 10th and will be starting the second one soon.  I go on December 1st to check the thickness of my lining.  If all is good, the transfer will take place on December 7th!  Please continue to be in prayer with us.  I know God has a plan and I sure do have FAITH that this is it!
Tara & Chris

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The cyst has went down by about half the size it was.  Praise the LORD!  I'm told that it will not hurt anything with the procedure we are doing but the doctor wants it gone completely so I will take birth control for another 2 weeks and go back for an ultrasound on November 10th.  If all is well, I will start meds that Friday and the transfer will be on December 6th.  It sounds so far but at the same time it is right around the corner.  I will update again in 2 weeks.

The shirt selling has taken off once again!  I'm down to 11 t's, 2  long sleeve t's and 26 sweatshirts.  God is so AMAZING!


Friday, October 21, 2011

We have been blessed with the donation and adoption of 5 embryos.  The cousin of a friend heard our story and was considering donating them but her husband wasn't so sure.  I sent them the link to our Life Book that we made and I received a call the next day saying they wanted to proceed!  It has now been 2 months and we are slowly making progress in order to have the FRET transfer done.  What this means is they will thaw them out and transfer into me in hopes that one will take and I can carry the baby.  There are 3 in one tube and 2 in the other.  The plan is to thaw the 3.  If one doesn't make it we will still have 2 for the transfer.  If 2 or 3 don't make it they will thaw the other 2 out and transfer what does.  So we could be transferring 1, 2 or 3 but will not know until the day of the transfer. 

I have a cyst on one of my ovaries that they are watching and waiting on to go down.  Once it is where they would like it, I start the shots and we are well on our way.  As of right now, it is looking like the middle of November but that can all change when I go back next Thursday. 

There have been several things along the way that we know have only been God bringing this together so we are hoping and praying that we will get our baby very soon!  I will keep everyone updated.

This is a costly procedure and I would like to say thanks to everyone that has helped us by selling or buying our shirts and jewelry.  We couldn't have done it without y'alls help.  Words can't express our gratitude!

Tara & Chris

Thanks to Jill with Jillry

Huge THANKS to Jill with Jillry, http://www.facebook.com/JillryLove, for selling jewelry and making $695 to go in our adoption account.  Words just can't express my gratitude.  She does online trunk shows once a month and has awesome jewelry and great prices!  Go check her out!
Sorry I haven't updated the page recently.  I will be posting an update very soon along with some tutu's left over from the craft fair and what shirts we have left to sell.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Lunch Tote

I will soon be selling Thirty-One to raise money for our adoption so if you are instersted in a book or home party please get with me.

Tara Walker

2 pockets on front, 2 on side & 3 on the back

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Christian T-Shirts to benefit Adoption

My friend Taren designed these beautiful t-shirts to help raise money for our adoption fund. The ladies shirt has Proverbs 3:5-6 on it.  The mens shirt has Proverbs 18:10 on it (Indigo Blue). They are $12 for kids XS to Adult XL and $13.50 for plus sizes. If you would like a shirt, please Email orders to walkeradoption@hotmail.com. Thank you for your support!


For those of you who do not know, we have opted to adopt.  We are working on our paperwork now to submit to Mercy Ministries.  We plan to be finished with it by this weekend.  Our prayers are that we will be chosen through them because they are much cheaper than an agency, $5,000 compared to $25,000.  The problem is, they do not do many adoptions a year, 2-3 on average.  If things aren't looking good and the funds continue to come, we will apply with an agency.  Please continue to be in prayer with us. 

I'm going to use this site to list all fundraisers going on.  Feel free to send to anyone you know that may be interested!  Thanks for your support, whether it be by donation or prayer.