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Welcome to "Our Adoption Journey" page. As most of you know, we are in the process of trying to adopt. Thanks for the many prayers and support to make our "hearts desire" come true!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm starting to feel the effects of the shots and hormones.  I was warned ahead of time but I don't think I really realized the extent and depth of it all.  The patches feel like you are ripping your skin off when changing them and oh my how the estrogen shot hurts, after the fact.  I'm very sore today.  I am so thankful the estrogen is only 2 times a week.  Please keep us in your prayers!  We have almost 2 weeks until the transfer and reality is starting to set in.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Praise the LORD

As of Thursday November 10th, the cyst is gone!  I wasn't sure wether to scream or cry I was so excited.  One more little step down!  I started one of the shots on the 10th and will be starting the second one soon.  I go on December 1st to check the thickness of my lining.  If all is good, the transfer will take place on December 7th!  Please continue to be in prayer with us.  I know God has a plan and I sure do have FAITH that this is it!
Tara & Chris