Last I heard the baby girl has not been born yet but it is looking like it will become a state case. So at this point it is looking like this is another dead end for us. Please pray for the baby as the mom is on drugs and the poor little darling is the one suffering. Pray that the right decision is or can be made for her and she receives a good home immediately.
Thursday we received a case from an attorney in FL about a 6 month old baby girl. I just finished filling out our paperwork and ordering the 2 photos that we have to send in. It has to be there by this Thursday, the mom will choose on Friday and the chosen parents will have to be in Pensacola on Tuesday, the 12th with $15,000. It's a very quick case so I've been pretty busy trying to geth everything together. Please be in prayer with us that this is the one God has for us. We've had a few leads the last 2 weeks but they have all been dead ends. Thanks for the prayers and support! The fundraising has kept me really busy this weekend as well. Thanks and keep it up! We need to raise as much as we can. I will post once we know something on Friday.